Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime. ~Mark Twain


Learning to Trust

Don't you worry, don't you worry Drewb. This Lukey's got a blog for you.

Wow, things can turn on a body fast. Remember that job I had lined up for two months of work? Well it's been 2 weeks since I worked for them and they haven't got me scheduled for next week either. In short, I have worked two days for them with no sign of when the third day will be. Or if it will come at all.

But wait, there's more. I got a stop sign ticket driving home from work on the second day so now I need to appear in court, because apparently that's how California does things for some reason. So my "bail" for the ticket is $238. Which is more than I made in those two days. So that's a negative job to add to the ole resume.

And on top of all that, I found out on Thursday that I am being kicked out of my apartment May 31st. Without cause. The roommate that rents the other room has decided that he no longer wants to have two tenants in our bedroom. So naturally, rather than talk to us about it and ask if either of us would be willing to pick up the whole tab for the room so only one of us had to move out, he went and found a separate person and is kicking us both out. No warning, no discussion. Despite what he claims, it clearly is at least a little personal, or he wouldn't have gone behind our backs about it. He just doesn't want either of us as roommates anymore.

And you know what? God is good. I feel great and I'm trusting all of this in God's capable (insulting understatement?) hands. I can't tell you how happy I am with how I'm handling all of this news right now. Just a few months ago (or earlier this week?) this would have sent me into a tailspin of laying on the floor and wishing for my mommy.

But I am growing. All of this struggle and trial over the last three and a half plus years has not been for nothing and I'm learning to trust God more fully. And already these storms seem to be subsiding somewhat.

While work has been nonexistent with these punks at A.U.D.C., I've continued to get sporadic work and referrals from my friend Mark. And while this ticket was wildly frustrating, and bordering on unfair (they set up a trap in a dark park and hid on a freeway entrance ramp with their lights off), the bail was not as high as I initially feared and there is hope of getting it reduced for financial hardship. And while I'm gonna miss this apartment and will loathe having to move out while I'm supposed to be getting ready to fly home at the end of May, God has always been miraculously faithful in providing me with shelter. He led me to this apartment and he will lead me to wherever my next residence will be. I can take comfort in that while I begin my search.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33


Is this thing on?

This is for all the lonely Andrews
thinking my blog has past him by
don't give up until you
see that my blog is up
you never know until you look

Not everyone has a great gift for rhyme, ok. We can't all be Fezzik.

This will be an abbreviated entry just to get something up and break out of my slump. For those that use this blog as mostly a news service for all things Luke, this post is for you.

Things have really picked up around here lately. I've been getting called in for lots of Production Assistant work lately, thanks in no small part to my friend Mark McCune. It's been a massive relief to actually make some progress with this work thing and I am extremely grateful to Mark, and more to God for the blessing of work.

Otherwise not a lot of news. Just keep living and loving life. Growing in my faith. Super Apartment Bros. finale is coming along, but very slowly still. I've secretly set July 16th as the deadline for finishing it/flying to Eric and smacking him. But seriously, one year seems like a solid last resort deadline. Hopefully it's out a long time before that.

Anywho. That's all for now. Gonna go bowl and enjoy the lack of snow outside my apartment. Hopefully I'll have time for a more thoughtful post later today or tomorrow.