Wow, haven't posted in over a week. Might as well update a little.
No news on the job search. And not this isn't a "no news is good news" situation. I keep chugging along, trying hard not to get too discouraged. I promise you will be the first I tell if anything comes up.
I finished my webseries script but I'm having trouble getting notes back from people. I have sent it to several friends looking for feedback and have only heard back from one. I really would like to finish this so I can move on to the next thing on my writing list. Hopefully I'll have that script finalized by the end of the month.
Once that is done I'll be working on putting some ideas to paper and getting those ideas protected. Then I start on a new feature (possibly a pilot for a series, one idea is kind of toeing the line). I had a plan to write a spec script for an episode of How I Met Your Mother but that was kind of ruined by the Vikings loss on Sunday so back to the drawing board there.
In other news I am registering with the leading background talent organization in LA this week. It's a good way for me to stay around film, maybe meet some people and possibly pull in some money on the side. Though at the moment that side is the only one with money.
Hmmm, anything else? Nothing comes to mind right now. Just keep praying for me to make some friends (slow process), get some work and just for peace when the anxiety starts to creep in about the first two. Laters.
p.s. Oh almost forgot. Here's some pictures:
My Apartment
My Street
I've been praying for you to get a job. :) Keep your chin up!! :D