Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime. ~Mark Twain


At a Crossroads

I grew up being told to pray to God for guidance or for things we want. Sometimes He'd say "Yes", sometimes "Maybe". Sometimes He'd say "No". But what happens when God says "Choose"?

I'm sitting at a bit of crossroads right now. There are certainly risks and rewards to be had on either side; pros and cons aplenty. One road brings me back to Los Angeles during the height of hiring season, the other brings me guaranteed money (enough to make it through the rest of 2011) and no long term employment. Of course, there is no guarantee of employment on the first road. But there is certainly less chance of employment on the second one.

I now must choose if I want to work, isolated and alone in Canada, for 7 weeks of my summer or if I want to dive face first into the LA job market at the beginning of July. And the trick is I feel strongly that God is saying, choose and I will bless you either way.

Now those that know me well know that decisions are not my strong point. I'm great at seeing all sides of a problem, but that vision cripples me at decision time. I know EXACTLY what I'm missing out on with my decision.

In the past God's path for me has always been quite clear. From my decision to attend Bethel to my journey to Los Angeles, it's always been easy for me to know what to do with big decisions. And maybe that will come in time. But right now, it's like staring into a mist.

Two paths diverge. Which is the one less traveled Mr. Frost?

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck, I wish I could say more but I feel this is yours to figure out. One thing to remember, there aren't always right and wrong decisions, as much as one or the other decisions. You will find life goes on either way. Even if you think you missed an opportunity, there will always be more things to come.
