Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime. ~Mark Twain


1 Week-ish

I will be returning to Los Angeles in just over a week from tonight. I am still excited to return, which is good. I am still scared to return, which is to be expected. I am going to be sad to leave my family behind again.

God has answered my prayer and I have really enjoyed my time here the last couple weeks. I have mostly not thought about LA or my impending job hunt. The result was a wonderful Christmas. I got great presents and gave in kind, but most important for me was the time I have spent with my extended family.

My family is very close and being able to spend one last Christmas at my grandpa's farm was a wonderful experience and one that I will sorely miss.

I will spend the next week seeing everyone I can and being with my family because after January 7th I am flying west to a new life. Hopefully this blog will be more interesting then.



I am currently at my parents house in good old Shoreview, MN. It feels so weird to be visiting my own house. But I am encouraged by the feelings I have. I am happy to be home and glad to see everyone again but I can not wait to return to my new apartment in Burbank. Slowly but surely, Los Angeles has become home in my mind and now I miss it more than I missed Minnesota in August. It's a strange feeling leaving home to visit "home".

My prayer these next 3 weeks is that I can live in the moment and enjoy my time here without being distracted by thoughts of sunny California or the friends I have there. "Keep your concentration here and now where it belongs", as Qui-Gon Jinn once said. Before I know it, I'll be on a plane back to CA and missing my friends and family here again.

If you read this, I hope I'll see you sometime during these 3 weeks! Let the games begin!



The last day and a half has more or less been a vacation for me here in lovely Burbank, CA. I haven't really had any obligations, or responsibilities and I've been free to just relax. I haven't really, but I've been free to.

The great news of the day is that I have an apartment lined up for January. I'll be moving in on the 7th officially. It is in Burbank and in a excellent location so I couldn't have asked for more really. I also found a place to store my car for free so blessings abound at the moment.

I fly home tomorrow so I'm sorting through my things to find what I want to bring with me. I'm excited to be home (sad to be leaving my computer though) and see my family again. But those 3 weeks will go by quickly and I'm extremely excited to have a place to come home to when I get back out here.


Moved Out

I am officially moved out from Park La Brea and now reside in the apartment of one Kevin Horton (that's right, THE Kevin Horton). I am pretty exhausted from all the cleaning and packing and moving. I will be meeting a friend for a LATE lunch soon and then I will hopefully head over to church one last time before I leave this wonderful city for 3 1/2 weeks. I will be able to upload pictures finally while I'm home so that you all can finally see what my life in LA has been like in 2 megapixels.

I leave for Minnesota Monday afternoon and my eta in MSP is 10:25 pm (CST of course).

Right now I just want to crash but I can't yet. I am working on securing a living situation for when I return. I have some promising leads and will post more when I have something more concrete. But right now I feel like I finished a marathon only to find out that the finish line is actually over there at the end of the next block. :P

Hopefully will have an update again before I leave. I am moving out here in a month so this is certainly not my last entry. I will most likely continue posting while I'm at home too.


Final Week Update

Last night was the premier event for all of the HPW films made this semester. We showed Little, Copies and Coffee: A Musical, Ginger, Candy and our film Two Hours. They were pretty well received and it was a lot of fun. Afterwards there was an after party and we all hung out and basked in our collective glow. Good times were had by all.

This morning has been work time. While I don't move out until Saturday, one of my roommates is checking out today so he can get back to his graduation tomorrow afternoon. So as a result we all have to have this place completely spick and span. It is a lot of hard work but I don't really mind because tonight...Buca's on City Walk!

Even I am a little surprised at just how excited I am for Buca's tonight. It's one of my favorite restaurants so that is part of it but it's a lot more than that. Anyways, no point dwelling on it.

Also get to have a big Christmas party with my American Humane pals tomorrow night. That will be fun as it is the last time I will see them for a long time (for those that I do see again). It's been a good run at AHA and I will recommend it to the next semester if I get the chance.

Anyways, enough lolligagging. Back to cleaning!


Finished (Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Enjoy a Crazy Week)

The most intense and busy week of my life has come to a peaceful resolution. This week saw me have a project/presentation due Monday, a cut of sound for our short film due Wednesday, a 6 page paper, several internship assignments (including another short paper) and my screenplay due Thursday, and the FINAL cut of sound for my short film due this morning at 10 am.

The sound of course was the toughest part because it required the most amount of work in a small space, but also because every other assignment took time away from that. Quite frankly, if I hadn't finished my screenplay last Friday, I would have had an extremely impossible week. Instead, it was merely quite challenging.

One of the most important things I've learned in this program is just how much I am capable of when I am pushed. Even a week or two ago, I never thought I'd get even the most important things done, much less everything. I learned I can surprise myself still and that's a nice gift to have.

Sound went well, though it cost me all of last night. It was tons of fun in a masochistic kind of way. I feel it's important to stay up all night every once in a while to remind yourself that you still can. The feeling of accomplishment still hasn't set in yet, maybe that's more out of fear of what this means: My work here is done (for now).

The LAFSC semester is over in under a week, and I am officially done with all my class related work. Internship is done, all my assignments turned in. Nothing to do now but sit back and enjoy the next week or so before I move out.

For those who do not know, I will be in Minnesota on the 14th (though late) for Christmas and a semester debriefing. I have so much I want to do. But I only have 3 1/2 weeks to do it as I return to Los Angeles on January 7th. It's a slightly terrifying thought but I am excited as well. It's the start of a new life.

That is all the thinking I want to do for now. Still unwinding from my sound work, and may need a full 48 hours of brain burning to recover. To the video game machine!



So my first, first draft is done. I don't really feel like it's done yet because there are a couple scenes I want to go back and add. But for the most part I am finished with my screenplay. One thing down on a long, involved list.

I was worried I would be pushing my page total but my third act resolved itself much quicker than I anticipated. Total is at 105 pages exactly right now. Maybe add a page or two tomorrow and then call it a first draft. Woot! Hopefully I can feel that "woot" soon, still too distracted by what I still have in front of me.



Just a quick update on my life.

Things are starting wind down here at LAFSC. And not winding down like a windmill prop or even a wheel of some kind. More like a tunnel that compresses down tighter and tighter until it comes to a fine point and all of you is pressed through it like toothpaste.

I currently have 3 MAJOR projects that will require a lot of time and are all due within a few days of each other. This is not including my everyday normal responsibilities either. I have a 1500+ word paper, a 110 page script (which is 40 pages shy of 110) and sound editing and mixing for our HPW short film. All three are due between the 3rd and the 5th. Life is getting more stressful all of the sudden. I also have several other assignments to do/blow off between now and when those big ones are due as well.

I "pitched" my script to a producer this week in screenwriting. It didn't go well. You could even say I crashed and burned a little. It wasn't a problem with my story at least, I just suck at pitching apparently. But I am moving on. As Lew Hunter said, "You never fail in Hollywood. You just keep going or quit." So I pick myself up, keep going and learn how to pitch better in the future.

I've been struggling with feelings of loneliness lately but tonight was good. I went out with some co workers after work and had a lot of fun. It really helped pick me up a lot. It may not last but it was nice to feel a part of a group, even if only for a little while.

That is all for now. Hopefully I can find time to post here during the crucible before me.


Good Times

Just a quick update. Nothing really special going on but I figure it doesn't need to be for you all to be interested.

We finished shooting our HPW film and are moving into post production. This is where I come in. Once the picture is locked, it will be up to me and my partner to make the sound as good as humanly possible. I have really enjoyed this work so far but we've never had to do this on something this long before. I'm excited though and can't wait to get started. Except...

My screenplay is coming along nicely and I hope to get a lot done on it over Thanksgiving break. But with my time shifting increasingly towards HPW editing in the near future, I am afraid for my work. I am hopeful I can finish this in time to turn in just 3 more weeks, but we will see I guess. I really need to focus and get more work done on it now while I still have some time.

We had a meeting tonight with several LAFSC alumni to talk about what life is like post LAFSC and what to expect in (for me at least) the coming months. There is apparently an alumni retreat in February and that sounds awesome. Fenceposts are a good motivator for me so that is my survival goal at this point.

More as it comes. Don't forget to check my Two Hours production blog too to stay up to date (in more detail) with that project. We're excited about it so far, here's hoping we can finish the race and turn some heads.


Shooting Begins

Things have finally gotten under way here with our big Hollywood Production class. Our first day of shooting was today, and probably our longest. We shot close to half of the film, give or take a minute. It was a long busy day but it was a good time. I think everyone enjoyed themselves. We have high hopes for our production so execution is key.

We shoot the remainder of our office scenes tomorrow and our mall scenes next Saturday. That will be an early day but it will be the home stretch and I'm sure everyone will be excited. The mall has the best scenes and I think everyone is looking forward to it. If you want a more detailed look at our shoot, check out our production blog here:


Good Week

In "Small World After All News", Tera Teed (a fellow LAFSCer whose parents, I've discovered, own the bagel shop my dad has been going to daily for the better part of a decade) has her parents visiting today. Her mom said she saw my dad on Saturday(?) before they left. And while that is cool, it is nothing compared to my new discovery. My sound partner for my big HPW film attended my Aunt Mary's school. Not only that but he had her for a couple classes and as a speech coach. Very bizarre world.

We start filming this week for HPW so it's going to be busy time around here. I'll try to stay up to date on here as much as possible.

Recommendation of the Week:
Kind of a twist here but my recommendation is the U2 concert from Monday night. They streamed it live on Youtube from a capacity Rose Bowl and now have the entire concert up to load and watch. Top notch, surprisingly good quality. I loaded it and listen to it while I work on homework. If you missed it, I say check it out.


Goin on Set

Just a quick update.

We start production for our big Hollywood Production Workshop film next weekend (shooting). We should be done casting and have our locations secured by the Monday at the latest. It's really exciting and I'll keep you updated on how that goes.

Busy weekend coming up, not a lot of rest coming for me. Prayers would be appreciated, lots of people here have been sick lately.



Word from the West

Hey loyal readers. I realized I haven't updated for a while so here you go. Apologies for my absence. In my defense, it's hard to come up with a good follow up to "I met Tony Hale".

Fall seems to be here in LA, finally. In the last week we have had our first overcast day, first rain and first "mostly cloudy" day since I've been here. Then again, it was also in the 90's on Friday and Saturday so maybe it's just a fluke. But today was probably my favorite weather I've experienced since coming here. This was the "mostly cloudy" day I was talking about. Usually in LA, if there are clouds, they are totally overcast and will burn off at some point (or they moved in on some clear blue skies). Today we had legitimate, distinguishable clouds with sun poking through in just less than a 50/50 split. The temp was cool but not cold and it felt awesome.


Heeeeeeeey brother....

That's right, it's everyone's favorite little brother "Buster", aka actor Tony Hale. He came and talked to us at the center about his acting career, his faith and Yea, it's a crazy town out here. Here's another picture from the night.

Tonight was a great night. I got off my internship a little early so I could make it to the newly opened Buffalo Wild Wings in downtown Burbank. It was packed full of Vikings and Packers fans and was quite a fun atmosphere to watch in, even if I was technically by myself in my adventure. Eating familiar food while watching my home team is very nice.

Things have been cool this week so we are getting the illusion of fall for now. It's nice but it should be back in the 80's next week. Oh well.

Until next time! Twins win the division tomorrow!


Don't Drink and Rage

Wow, what a crazy night. The people next door went off and were screaming profanities and threats for the better part of an hour. With our windows open (we didn't want to miss any of it) we could hear almost every word. Security got called at least 3 different times (possibly as many as 5, lost count). Only once by us (well twice but the second time they were already there). Great job to them by the way for doing nothing.

Then later someone tried to get into our room, thinking it was their apartment (possibly one of the same screamers). Very exciting. Triple locked doors = win!

In other news I finally got HIMYM season 4 and Kings on dvd today. What a wait that was, glad to finally have these two gems.

p.s. For those that don't know, HIMYM is "How I Met Your Mother". Not a show for everyone but I love it. I recommend giving it a try, but I also strongly recommend watching it from the beginning. They do a lot of running jokes, story telling tricks and just plain old character development that more or less requires watching from the beginning. So check it out if you haven't.


Science of Sound

Sorry for the delay, I've been expecting news and wanted to wait until I had some. I guess I'll just fill you in on where I'm at.

I had two interviews for internships last week. One didn't want me, but it's ok because I wasn't too interested in them either. The other one seemed interested but I haven't been able to get a hold of them for a couple days. Hopefully I can get in contact this week and nail that one down.

In other news, my sound design/mixing/editing is going well. We were assigned a 90 second clip from a major film that has had all the sound removed and have been tasked with adding sound to it (music, sound fx, etc.). I was assigned a clip from The Last of the Mohicans. We were given 2 weeks to finish the assignment but I really want to watch this movie now so I'm trying to get through it as fast as I can. Also it will make things easier when everyone else in my class is rushing to get theirs done next week. I have been intentionally not watching the actual scene because I want to do this on my own without any guide.

And for those that are not aware (probably everyone), The Last of the Mohicans won an Oscar for sound so that's slightly intimidating. I'll post up the finished product when I'm done so you all can see my handiwork.

Other than that I don't really have much else to say. I watched Favre work his magic yesterday. That was a wild ride. Can't wait for Monday night! What a circus that's going to be.


Quick Update

Hey, just updating everyone.

Still nothing to report on my internship. Keep your prayers coming on this, I am getting a little discouraged by this.

Sorry for the delay but I am going to have to hold off on pictures indefinitely. The cord I bought to transfer photos off my phone is not working yet (assuming it ever will). I will try to get them posted when I can but there is no definite date on that.

More when I have it.


Update Time!

Don't let the exclamation fool you, this is mostly going to be a "still nothing to report" kind of post on most fronts.

I've been asked to address a few issues and I realize that I have neglected my updating duties over the last week or so. So here goes.

My screenplay was not chosen for production. I was pretty disappointed and I still want to get some feedback on it, but I can't really complain. There were some very strong screenplays chosen and this was just my first try. I was assigned to sound editing for my specialty on the upcoming production of the scripts they chose. The script I am on is called "Two Hours", a cute little british-style comedy about an accountant forced to watch his boss's young son for two hours.

I still have nothing to report on my internship. My first place I applied ended up not needing an intern. So my resume has been sent out to several places late last week and I am waiting to hear if anything comes from those. I am praying for God to put me where he wants me and I am praying for patience if this is going to be a long process. I'm also praying that it won't be :)

For those who are wondering, the John Williams concert was awesome by the way. He conducted an extensive encore that featured some major staples of Star Wars music and the theme from E.T., which was the highlight. But it was an all around very memorable experience and it turned out to be everything I had built it up to be in my mind.

If anyone is wondering about pictures, particularly from me and Andrew's trip out here, I have many on my phone. Unfortunately I don't have a cord yet to transfer those pictures to my computer for posting. I hope to have an extensive recap of our exciting 4 day adventure soon, complete with pictures and maybe some pictures, but it will have to wait until I can get to a store (hopefully Monday or Tuesday).

I think that will do it for this entry. I will try to keep up to date on facts and happenings more regularly so I can have more space for musings and thoughts in the future. Look for pictures coming early this week.


Nothing Terribly Exciting

Not a lot to report right now but thought I'd post up. The screenwriters group (which I'm a part of) has a fairly open schedule right now so it's been a slow week on our end. I turned in a 8 page screenplay today for consideration for my Hollywood Production Workshop class. Everyone in the program turns one in (about 50) and they choose 5 of them to make into short films. Then we spend the rest of the semester working on them in teams of 10. I am happy to have it turned in and I'm satisfied with my story. I kind of have my heart set on this so I'll be disappointed if they don't pick mine. We find out who made it next week so update coming then.

Other than that, the wildfires are no where near my part of town in case anyone is wondering. You can see them sometimes, and the smoke makes for some mean have sometimes, but we're safe for now. The big concern is there are some big fires right now and fire season isn't supposed to reach it's peak until October. Yikes.

We're going to the Hollywood Bowl on Saturday as a big class outing. John Williams is conducting the LA Philharmonic. They're crappy seats but it should be still be pretty cool just being there. Throw in John Williams conducting his own music and I'm pretty excited.

Anyways, feel free to send any questions you would like addressed in my blog. I'm kind of free forming it right now.

Til next time!


1 Week

Wow this has been a crazy week. Until a few days ago I didn't have regular access to the internet so I apologize for the delay. I don't have a ton to say even now.

I've been here a week and it has been quite a whirlwind. Class started on Monday, but we've mostly been doing orientation class stuff, not so much real class work. That's not to say we haven't had assignments, and I am even now working on my script for an 8 minute short film. If my script is chosen it will be produced by one of the teams in Hollywood Production Workshop. I'll keep you up to date on that, I really think I have a shot at being picked for that.

Other than school it's been a pretty eventful week. I got to attend an Angels game on Tuesday with a friend from Minnesota who also just moved out here. It was a bit of a drive from this side of town and the Angels lost but it was still a blast. The Angels have some of the game's best fans and the stadium is beautiful so it's always a good time regardless of the outcome. I also got a free Angels cup that lights up because some drunk guy left it behind :)

I also got to meet Michel Gondry (director of Eternal Sunshine..., and Science of Sleep) on Wednesday at a big signing thing he was at not far from La Brea. It was cool, even though I didn't get to talk to him at all. Eternal Sunshine is my favorite movie ever so it was really awesome to have him sign it for me.

On Thursday I got to meet actor Doug Jones (Hellboy I and II, Pan's Labyrinth, Fantastic 4 - Silver Surfer) when he came to speak to our LAFSC group. He stayed and talked, very casually, for about 4 hours. He does a lot of creature acting (his first role was Mac Tonight in a series of McDonalds commercials between 1986 and 1997) so he talked a lot about acting with crazy makeup and prosthetics on. He is in with driector Guillermo Del Toro and is expected to have major roles in Guillermo's "Hobbit" films. He was a lot of fun and very entertaining to talk to.

Today we went on a tour of the Kodak Theater, where they host the Oscars. Ironically, no pictures are allowed there...

Things are going reasonably well so far, though 3 girls have had things stolen already (cell phone, clothes from a washer and a wallet). It's kept things interesting. They were all avoidable things and serve as nice object lessons for the rest of us. We're all treading a little more cautiously now.

The weather has been gorgeous, though hotter the last few days. There's also some wild fires all over California right now which keep it interesting. Some are visible from where we are, though they are much too far away to be dangerous. It's pretty commonplace here, but still new enough for me to be interested.

Anyways, I should probably get back to my "homework". The professors (if that's what they're called here) have advised us to brush up on movies in general, but especially the classics off the AFI top 100 list (apparently movers and shakers like it when young'uns know about the movies they grew up with). Now I have to watch at least a movie every day or I will fall behind. Work, work, work...

More later, stay tuned.

Luke's Pick: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

As previously mentioned, this is my all time favorite movie. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. After a bad fight, Clementine decides to undergo a procedure to erase her boyfriend from her mind completely. Devastated after he finds out what she has done, her boyfriend Joel decides to erase her back. But he gets more than he bargained for when the erasing process begins to remind him of the good times they shared. Unable to wake up he must try to find a way to stop the procedure the only way he can; inside his mind. It makes for some trippy stuff but it's a beautiful story.


Here and Waiting

Andrew and I have arrived in the City of Angels. After 3 harrowing days of intense travel, we arrived safely on Thursday afternoon. Kevin, our gracious host, showed us around the city for a while and took us to In-n-Out Burger for dinner.

Today will be our fun day. We hope to see a few more sights and hopefully eat a bunch more food. I'll write more tomorrow after I've officially checked in, moved in and started orientation.


Last Day

This is officially the beginning of my last day at home for (probably) the next 4 months. I would like to start out with a reminder to all of you to pray for me and my brother as we drive to LA Tuesday-Thursday. Safe driving and blessings on our time together would be appreciated.

So this is it. It's really starting to sink in now that I've started packing. First off, that I have way too much stuff. But mostly just the reality of moving so far away from home. I have said my good byes to my friends and most of my family. I missed some but you can't win them all I guess. It's gotten me thinking about what I hope to achieve in all this and I think I have an idea.

Over the last several years I have become increasingly disillusioned with pop Christian culture, particularly the media aspect. Movies and music alike have a narrow vision, often preach to the choir and are often times of sub par quality. Movies like Fireproof may have a positive message for those that need Christ's love but how many non-Christians would go see it? What non-Christian will buy a Casting Crowns album (especially if their Christian friends are pirating the album anyways, but that's another topic)?

When I applied to LAFSC, there was an essay question that said "What is a Christian's role in Hollywood?" I replied that Christians should be leading the way. Christian films should be the best films out there. Ones that make you think and ask questions. Oscar nominated stuff. Instead we produce low quality stuff that people don't really want to see, besides the occasional church visitor that happened to be there the day the pastor told his congregation to go see it.

I was recently turned on to a former NBC show called "Kings". It was unfortunately axed after just 12 episodes this spring, but this is a truly remarkable show. For those that have not heard about it, or maybe were misinformed about it (the ads were poorly done), I will sum it up for you. The show is literally the story of David and King Saul, but set in modern times. There is a little bit of artistic license for the sake of good television but it is surprisingly accurate to the real Biblical narrative. It has an incredible cast with some top notch writing but there is also extensive talk of God and he carries a very real presence in the show (protecting David, among other things).

After watching this show I had an overwhelming desire to read the Biblical story and see how it compared, what other subtleties I had missed out on. I hope to someday have a Bible study group look at the show as I think it can promote good discussion. Now I can't say for sure that this was the creator of the show's intention, but if it was he succeeded.

This is the kind of stuff I want to make. Stuff that can be present in the mainstream media, acclaimed by critics and make people think important thoughts. Stuff that can make people do active things like go to church or pick up a Bible. The United States, contrary to popular belief, is hungry spiritually. I think the "Passion" movie proved that without a doubt. People that had never set foot in a church were suddenly thrust into the very heart of the story of Christ.

I don't know what God has in store for me in California (though as I've said before, I know he has something for me or he wouldn't be calling me there). But I pray it is having a hand in revolutionizing what I see as a flawed industry. This is what I have a heart for. This is what I want to do.

This will be my final entry from my house in Shoreview. Once I get to California you can all expect more frequent (though perhaps shorter) updates so make sure you check back often. Ciao!

Luke's Pick:
I have decided to include this section with some of my updates, starting with this one. For those that have trouble finding movies or television shows to watch, I will be using this section to make some suggestions that I think anyone who reads this will enjoy. This week, since it ties in so well with my entry, I am suggesting the tv series "Kings". Check it out on, or on DVD September 29th.


2 Weeks

I am writing this as my two week warning. I will be leaving with my brother for LA in about two short weeks from today on August 18th. Andrew, for those that don't know, will be accompanying me on the 3 day drive before flying straight to Wheaton after I have checked in at the school.

My mind is flooded with a variety of emotions and thoughts. Nervousness is obviously one of them. Nervousness is a natural part of any move, or even the smallest change for that matter. New experiences, new people and a new town in a totally different part of the country certainly qualifies. Oh and I'm also going to be about 2,000 miles away from my family and friends here in Minnesota. For those bad at math (or geography), that's a long ways. So it would be understandable if I were freaking out right now, right?

The weird thing is, I'm not as nervous about it as you might think. There is some trepidation about meeting new people, and some nervousness of getting lost in a big new city, but that's about all. But I've done the whole new people thing before, and I got a head start on learning LA roads this spring, so even that isn't too bad.

Mostly I think I'm just excited. I think this is the 2nd natural emotion that springs out of a change in circumstance. It's almost always attached and in equal measure with nervousness. For every thing that could go wrong, there is also the feeling of what might be. This is hopefully the beginning of a totally new life for me and I can't wait to see what God has for me to do out there, and who He has for me to meet.

The thing I didn't really expect, or maybe just didn't remember, is the seesawing I have been experiencing over the last month or so. I will swing rapidly and quite unexpectedly between overwhelming excitement to finally leave for Los Angeles, and a general apprehension about leaving the state that I love so much. While this is mostly unpleasant, I did have what I consider to be a breakthrough recently.

A few nights ago I was walking out to my car when I was hit with a very calm, general sense that I should be in Los Angeles. And not future tense like I should go there, but that I should be there now. As in that minute. It wasn't nervous or excited, just a sense of belonging and safety. I just needed to be there. It's a feeling I have experienced before, and in the past I have come to diagnose it as common homesickness.

Whatever I am headed to in Los Angeles, continue to pray for me as I go through this major transition in my life. As slow as things are right now, they will be going 110 mph in just 2 short weeks.


So What is LAFSC?

I already told the story of how I ended up there but what is this LA Film Studies Center and what does it have to offer? What am I going to be doing while I'm there? I would like to take this opportunity to address those questions and more. So without further ado, let's take a look at what life is going to look like in LA.

The LAFSC is a CCCU run extension program. Founded in 1991, the program was originally located near Universal Studios. It has since relocated to West Hollywood on the "Miracle Mile" (the exact address is 5455 Wilshire Blvd for those interested).

They run a semester long program that focuses primarily on writing, producing and directing. It is a 16 credit course consisting of; a 6 credit internship in the industry (that equates to 20-24 hours a week), a 3 credit lecture class called Theology in Hollywood, a 4 credit Hollywood Production Workshop course (where we make a short film) and a 3 credit elective which is one of either Professional Screenwriting or Motion Picture Production (I will be doing screenwriting).

For housing the program sets us up in fully furnished apartments in the Park La Brea apartment complex a few blocks away. We are housed 4-5 in a 2 bedroom apartment. You can see a picture of the layout to the left. The apartment is 1,112 sq. ft.

The LAFSC facility takes up approximately half of the 16th floor in the 5455 building. They have a small soundstage, editing lab, audio lab, foley stage and lecture room. The editing lab, as well as a student lounge area (equipped with Blu Ray and high def tv) stocked with about 1,500 movies. The facility is modest in size but really packs a punch with what it delivers.

As I mentioned in my previous entry, I truly do feel God's call to come to this program. But there are other practical appeals to this as well. For one, the LAFSC boasts a very impressive resume of graduate accomplishments. These range from Arrested Development to The Exorcism of Emily Rose. The LAFSC helps prepare people to actually work in the industry and they have the track record to back it up.

Another thing that attracted me to this program was their dedication to story telling. Throughout my initial visit I became aware of a growing disconnect between film schools and the stories that films are supposed to be about. Schools like USC will teach aspiring film makers to make pretty movies but they forget to teach their students that the importance of creative story telling. Writing creative original stories is an emphasis of the writing tract and immediately caught my eye.

Of course the biggest bonus of this program for me is the Christ centered environment I will be entering. All the students in the program come from Christian colleges around the country. I am more excited for my Theology in Hollywood class than I have been for any lecture class in my life. I have visited a church that I really liked the two times I was there this spring and I hope I can make a few trips there during the semester (it's 30+ minutes away from the school). There are also several good churches nearby so I will be checking those out some too.

The bottom line in all this is I will be spending the semester with fun, exciting people that share my dreams. I will be able to hone my craft with fellow Christians from around the country (and a few from beyond). I will have the opportunity to intern within the industry and make connections that will help me down the road in my career. Oh, and I'll get to live in an awesome apartment!

You can find their website here if you have any more questions.


How it Began

This is going to be a long post (like marathon long) but I want to tell my whole story. Rather than go to everyone individually I have decided it would be easier to just do it this way and let people read it at their leisure. The whole story is important but I have marked the beginning of 2009 in bold letters for those that would rather just skip ahead to this year (still quite long from there though). I am planning to keep this updated regularly to share my thoughts and feelings as I approach my big moving day, as well as throughout my semester in LA and beyond.

But first things first. My story. I'll start at the beginning.

When I first arrived at Bethel University, nearly 5 years ago now, I was certain of what I wanted. I was going to be an NFL Scout. I'd been certain since the fall of my junior year. That was all I wanted to do. Many of you may remember this; I was not shy of my ambitions. Watching film of football games came easy to me and I had a good eye for evaluating players.

I wasn't quite sure how I'd go about achieving this goal so I prayed about it and signed up for a Physical Education major at Bethel. Knowing I could never be a gym teacher, I was careful to select the non teaching tract. I would take more health and biology classes instead of education classes, or student teaching. I figured a good working knowledge of such things would only benefit me when it came time to evaluate injuries and physical abilities.

For the first two years, things were good. I wasn't getting amazing grades but they were alright. I had gotten B's and C's in high school so I didn't think much of it. But while all that was happening I was continuing to hone my writing skills on various Vikings websites, especially focusing on the draft. I quickly gained respect as a knowledgeable member on message boards and even got my own draft centered column on one message board. I enjoyed writing as a hobby but didn't think sports journalism would be something that interested me as a career.

Junior year turned out to be a major turning point for me, though at the time I didn't think anything of it. Needing an art credit for my gen. eds., I decided to sign up for Media Production. I had taken a video news/film studies course my senior year of high school, which I enjoyed quite a bit (and excelled at). And during my sophomore year at Bethel I had made a short video for a group presentation for a Racial Reconciliation class I had enrolled in and it all came flooding back to me. I really enjoyed making it and didn't even notice all the extra work it took (only a few other groups made videos). This Media Production class would be a great way to get my art credit knocked off and hopefully have a blast doing it too. It was this class that taught me how to use all of Bethel's video equipment, as well as the equipment employed by CTV 15 (the local access channel that covers area events and uses Bethel students as free help). It also served to plug me into the media department and all the awesome people that went with it (I didn't really think anything of the fact that I wasn't making the same kind of connections with my fellow phys. ed. majors).

Also around this time, my roommate and best friend changed his major from Theater Arts to Media Communication. So even though I wasn't in his classes, I offered to help him with the filming and editing of his video projects. This connection, along with my occasional volunteer work at CTV broadcast events, kept me plugged in with the Media Comm. department, even as I continued my pursuit of a Physical Education degree.

This brings us to spring semester of my senior year. It will always be remembered as a groundbreaking time in my life. My joy in video production, as well as a desire to take at least one class with my best friend before we graduated from Bethel, led me to sign up for Broadcast Production, a 300 level Media Communications course. As the semester trudged on I was having a blast in my Broadcast class. While it mostly focused on broadcasting media (shocking I know), we found ways to keep it interesting and had a ton of fun. This class also required us to do more CTV shoots, which was affording me better tasks as I l0ogged more experience with them.

While I was having the time of my life in Broadcast Production, life wasn't so great in Physical Education. I began to have doubts. For the first time since I had decided to become a scout, I was questioning that decision. The thing I had been most sure about in my life path. I can't say specifically what started these feelings but it led me to some long soul searching. I realized that I didn't want to be a scout anymore. I still loved sports. I still loved football. I still loved the draft. I just didn't want to do it as a career anymore. I didn't want to be anything else in football either.

For those of you who haven't gone through it like I did (I'm guessing most of you) it is very earth shattering to be half way through spring semester of your senior year and realize you don't want to do what you've been studying for 3 3/4 years. I resolved to finish out my degree since I was so close already, but my motivation was hard to keep up. I suddenly had lost my "why?" for all my hard work.

"So what do I want to do?" is what I began to ask myself. This was the first time I ever considered doing anything like the media comm. stuff I had been enjoying so much for an actual career. At best it had been a short term hobby for me before that.

I have a good friend from high school who had moved to LA in 2005 to pursue his acting career. I had worked hard to stay in touch with him during his time out there. So I began asking him about writing. I had discovered my talent for writing during my time writing for websites and had even gotten paid for several columns that appeared in the Bethel student paper, The Clarion. I was interested in writing for that reason, and also because I knew writers could live pretty much anywhere. I was intent on staying in Minnesota (ironically, in hindsight, this was part of the reason I abandoned my scouting pursuit) but maybe I could become a writer based out of here.

I was praying for guidance the entire time and I felt God telling me that I would be here in the Twin Cities for another year. Despite my strong desire to stay close to home at the time, I knew deep down I would be relocating in 2009. Even when my dad wanted me to take on a leadership role with the sophomore or junior class I told him I couldn't do it because I couldn't commit more than a year to the class.

I continued to read up on writing and talked regularly with my friend in LA (he is primarily an actor but he is working on several screenplays as well) to discuss his life out there. I had never been further west than the Rocky Mountains and had no idea what LA was like outside of the stylized appearances it has made on TV and in movies. As our discussions continued we also began to talk about me coming to visit him some time. We had discussed it in the past but it had never worked out. I promised I would come visit him soon.

This past winter, not even 7 months ago, events began to fall into place that would accelerate my plans. If you are still reading, this is where things get more interesting as it is the beginning of God's most active role in this whole story.

It was during this time that my church's youth group decided to put on a stage version of the cult classic film The Princess Bride. I was in charge of lights for the play, as I have been on some in the past. Also helping out with the play was a youth group alum named Nikkie Smith. She was a few years younger than Kevin but had grown up with him in our churches numerous drama productions, so she knew him pretty well. One day I casually remarked that I was going to visit him sometime in the coming spring. She was very excited about the idea and said she wanted to come along too. Though unsolicited and unexpected, the offer helped motivate me to actually set travel dates and ultimately purchase two tickets for a weeklong trip in late April.

So the date was set and the waiting had begun. I would go visit Kevin in April. If I liked it I would begin plans to move and start a life out there. If not...I wasn't sure what I would do next as I began to feel strongly God was calling me to LA. I was nervous for the trip and the repercussions it would have on my life, but I just wanted to get things moving. I was sitting around in purgatory waiting for my life to move forward in some way.

One day, while talking with Kevin on the phone, I told him about how I was feeling. He suggested that I try to step up my plans. If I felt like I was spinning my wheels, I shouldn't wait around. I should go for it. He also mentioned that he was in the running for a movie set to shoot in April while I would be there and that if I waited he may not be available during that week. I didn't have the money to buy another ticket but I told him I wished I could. I went to bed praying for guidance as my April trip now appeared to be in jeopardy.

The next day I was mulling over my options when my dad came to me with a proposal. He had found a film school online called the New York Film Academy. They were having an open house just over a week later at their New York campus. My dad had found cheap tickets to New York and offered to pay for them so I could go and visit the campus. I was shocked (I feel it is important to note here that my dad was completely unaware of my conversation with Kevin not even 24 hours earlier) but I was a little confused. It was my dad's idea to check out the New York campus to see if I'd like to attend the Los Angeles campus in the fall. But I noticed that just one week later they were hosting an open house at the Los Angeles campus. So after some flight price investigation, and a few phone calls to Kevin, I asked my dad if I could take that offer and head west with it instead. He agreed that made more sense and I was booked.

So two weeks later I was on my way to Burbank, CA. I was able to stay with Kevin while I was there and spent most of my time getting to know LA a little better. Kevin came with me to the NYFA campus visit and helped me keep my feet on the ground. He also gave me opportunities to talk with a couple of different film students from other area schools. Having decided on Bethel very early in the process, I had never gotten to experience school shopping before and I reveled in the experience and conversations it spawned.

One conversation stood out more than the rest though. Kevin's older brother had graduated from Bethel in 2001 and had attended a program called the Los Angeles Film Studies Center (LAFSC). As a Christian-based (they are run by the CCCU, Council for Christian Colleges and Universities), one semester program, Kevin believed that it would be the best fit for me. After a long conversation with Kevin's brother (who is still in LA with his family) and Kevin's roommate (who also attended the program just two years ago) I decided to check it out.

The visit went well. I was impressed to see some big movies on the graduate credit list (Exorcism of Emily Rose, The Day the Earth Stood Still, Step Brothers, The Matrix Sequels to name a few). The facilities were modest but more than adequate for the kind of work they do. But more than any of that, it just felt right. It was the same feeling that had led me to Bethel years before. I knew then what I wanted.

But there were complications. The program had an application deadline that was less than a month away. More than that, I found out that I would have to re-enroll at Bethel before I could even submit my application.

As I discussed these things and my feelings about them with Kevin over dinner that night, the conversation turned to my April trip. Kevin had gotten the part and while it was great news for his career, it was bad news for our "visit Kevin" trip I had planned for April. We began to discuss whether Nikkie would want to come if Kevin wouldn't be there, and what I should do if she didn't. While Nikkie had still never paid me for her ticket, I still regarded it as hers and told Kevin I did not want to make any decision about what to do with it until I had talked to her about it.

No sooner had I said those words out loud than I received a text message. To my very great surprise, it was from Nikkie (I was beginning to see God's hand at work so it was also a kind of "of course" moment) who I had not heard from in weeks. When I called her back she told me that she had totaled her car and the cost of buying a new one was going to bankrupt her (though I never did find out why she felt she needed to buy an $18,000 car, but I digress). As a result she would not be able to go on the April trip. I just laughed.

So it was settled. When I returned home I began the process of re-applying to Bethel, while simultaneously trying to keep the LAFSC ball rolling. The Bethel application was very straightforward and within a week of my return I had re-enrolled at Bethel as a Media Communications major (using one of my former Media Comm. Professors as a reference). I was not worried about this process (would they really reject a graduate for readmission?), though I was quite relieved to have it over quickly. I knew the LAFSC application would be a more drawn out process.

My first step was submitting my online references. I knew that these would be out of my hands so I decided to start those first in case my references were busy. I needed a resident director reference and a faculty reference. My resident reference director was an easy choice; I had only ever gotten to be friends with one of my RD's during my 4 years at Bethel. My faculty reference would be more interesting.

For this part of the story I'm going to go back a few years. When I was taking my Racial Reconciliation class back in the fall of my sophomore year (the one where I did my group's video project) we had a special guest auditing the class. Jay Barnes, the then Provost, was not only in my class, but he was placed in small discussion group. We had meaningful conversations on a weekly basis. Jay and his wife are also important members at my church so he knew me immediately. Fast-forward 3 1/2 years and here I was applying for a CCCU program whose director was a Bethel Alumni. And where was Jay Barnes? In his first year as the new President of Bethel University.

So on a hail mary pass, why not kind of feeling I emailed Jay about my predicament and asked if he could find a few minutes to fill out a reference for me. A few days later I received an email from his secretary stating that he would give me a reference.

With arguably the best reference possible for my application to this program, I continued on with a renewed sense of confidence. My next hurdle would be my transcripts. To my dismay I discovered my GPA was lower than the minimum GPA they have listed on their website. Despite all that God had led me through, this made me nervous. It wasn't a lot, just .08 points. But if they were strict about that standard I was in trouble.

I would like to throw in a little piece in my defense right here. While my GPA was only 2.67 for my 4 years, I think it warrants consideration that I spent 4 years studying what turned out to be the wrong subject. This was never more obvious to me than when I looked back over my transcript and realized I had a GPA higher than 3.3 for the classes that would have counted towards my new major.

So even with my awesome reference I knew that my chances were no certain thing. I managed to get my materials turned in on time and it all came down to one last thing to finalize my application. A $50, non-refundable fee. Now for most of you that may seem fairly inexpensive and you'd probably be right. But I was unemployed. After conferring with my bank statement I discovered I had exactly $50.26 in my bank account.

Well here it is, I thought. I could have gone to my parents and asked for them to front the money for me, or even pay it outright. They very well might have. But I saw this as a test from God. This was my future and I should pay for it. It was a leap of faith. And my $.26 balance in my account would turn out to be a nice conversation starter.

In the meantime my dad had made plans to acquire the second plane ticket from under Nikkie's name. It turned out to be quite a hassle but finally we were both ready with our tickets. The flight was scheduled for April 21st. I would hear back from LAFSC about my application on April 16th. The nervousness continued to grow for me as I realized that the trip I had scheduled months ago, long before I knew what LAFSC was, would be so close to my second trip to Burbank. This time with my dad in tow.

Finally the big day came and I got an email telling me I had been accepted. The relief was tangible. I excitedly got the word out to several friends and family that had been waiting to hear my answer. Through the process I discovered that there were at least 3 other Bethel students that got accepted as well, one that I had known for almost 4 years.

As you might imagine, knowing that I would be moving to LA in the fall made my trip with my dad more enjoyable and more meaningful. I was able to take my dad on a tour of the LAFSC facilities, as well as turn in my confirmation paperwork in person. I think it meant a lot to my dad to be able to see for himself what I was getting into.

Now I'm here, just over 2 months later. It can be a struggle to keep up my excitement and motivation as I drift through these months of waiting. But I know there is a light on the horizon now thanks to a borderline miraculous set of circumstances. If I had not gone to LA the first time exactly when I did I would not have had the time to finish my application in time for the deadline. In fact I would have missed the deadline by almost a month if I had waited until the April trip my dad and I ended up going on. Then to have a trip scheduled already that ended up falling just 5 days after finding out I would in fact be moving? Looking back through it all I can see the path clearly dating back into high school. I sometimes wonder why I didn't see it when I was still in school. But now I know I had to go through those 5 years the way I did so that all these things could fall into place now.