Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime. ~Mark Twain


Call off the Search Parties

I'm alive!

Yes, after several months of logging onto the internet every day and neglecting my blogging responsibilities, I am finally updating again. And there was much rejoicing...

I wish I could tell you that there was a lot that you've missed, but mostly there hasn't been. It's been a slow couple months, with only one day of work in all of September and October combined. I realize that isn't really an excuse not to update this more regularly, but in my defense I was going through some really tough times and writing just wasn't high on my priority list (which consisted primarily of sleeping a lot, playing lots of video games and lots of self pity/depression).

I tried to stay active/distracted. I managed to go out with my church for a feed the homeless event, which was fun...until I got a $45 parking ticket for parking in a poorly marked area (apparently the "4 hour parking on Saturdays" sign was referring to the meter I parked by). Nothing makes you feel like the world is against you quite like having a good deed be rewarded with a $45 ticket you can't afford (you may recall I hadn't worked in a month prior to this happening, and in fact didn't work for another month after). But God provided in the end in the form of a 3 hour work day just days before the ticket was due. The $55 I got covered the ticket and broke my 2 month drought of work.

Through all of this difficulty, during which time I've essentially sold my TV to my parents in order to make ends meet, I've had to really rely on God's guidance. My job hunt is frustrated at every turn as I become more and more aware that connections may be the only way to get work in this town (outside of maybe just shot in the dark luck, but more on that later). My faith has been tested repeatedly during this time and the stress has caused more anxiety than I think I've ever experienced before. My writing has evaporated in the face of it as well.

But as you may have noticed, I am writing now. While I rarely take a breath with confidence that I am through the worst of it, I am in a better position at the end of this month than I was last month. And that's because I made a little money this month.

On November 7th, my luck (here's the luck part I mentioned earlier) turned around in a dramatic way. While driving through Malibu with my dad (who was visiting for the weekend) I was called for a named character role on a show call "The Hard Times of RJ Berger", an MTV show (unlike "Huge", I can't really recommend the show to anyone in good conscience). I had not submitted for this role, and had never worked on the show before. They apparently selected me out of their database to play the character of "Craig the Nerd". It was an AFTRA role, my first since "Huge" ended in July. Not only that, but it was heavily featured, complete with a closeup and dialogue directed at me (which, of course, I awkwardly could not respond to). The scene ended up being a peer support group at the school where the show is set. It was 7 extras and 5 main actors sitting in a circle (which was cool because we spent the whole day together and chatted quite a bit). There was lots of coverage to get and I was in lots of it. It was easily the most actual acting I've ever done in my 10 months of background work (which is a good thing, I would much rather act in a scene than be a blur sitting in the background).

But then the most amazing thing happened. They apparently liked me! They have kept calling me back. They don't use background as heavily as "Huge" did but Wednesday was my 5th day working on the show in 13 possible work days. I've been featured in 3 of those 5 days of work (really out of 4 possible because one I was sent home early when they realized the scene was concurrent with my support group scene). Several members of the cast and crew know me by name now and talk to me pretty candidly. In 2 1/2 weeks of working there I'm more well known than some people that have been on the show for months. The show wraps up on the 15th of December, which lines up perfectly with my flight home on the 16th so hopefully I will get lots more work still before they wrap. Keep this in your prayers as I need to make some pretty good money before I go home in order to make rent in January. I'll also need something new in January, but work should be easier to search for without a 2 1/2 week vacation looming (not many want to hire someone that will be gone for 2 weeks less than a month after being hired).

Anyways, thanks to everyone that has been praying for me. This "RJ Berger" show has been such an incredible blessing in my life. After spending 2 months trying desperately to get background work and getting nowhere, a steady union job lands in my lap out of nowhere that wraps the day before my next scheduled trip home. There is no way this isn't an answer to prayer.

Well there is probably more worth mentioning, but that will do for now. I'll be back sooner next time.