Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime. ~Mark Twain


A Proposal (Part 2)

As he started to speak the words caught in his throat, tripping over each other as they all tried to rush out at once. A millisecond of panic shot through him like a bolt as he thought back on all his scenarios, simultaneously recognizing that this had never happened in any of them. The word "Abort" flashed in front of his eyes as sirens blared. Adrenaline surged through his veins as his flight or flight instincts, born through millennia of his ancestors escaping danger, began to kick in. He could feel his muscles tensing up, coiling in anticipation. But then the moment passed. Moments always do. And as quickly as it had come his panic retreated away without him, giving way to his steely determination that had brought him to this point.

Teresa’s own mind was less calm about the flub. Outwardly she kept up appearances. Her smile remained glued in place, and tears continued to well in her eyes. But inwardly a small voice was objecting loudly. "NO! It’s not supposed to happen like this! It’s supposed to be perfect!" And she knew the voice was right. The man is not supposed to stumble over the words. Her pulse began to quicken as her fantasy of a perfect, dream proposal withered and died before her eyes. The objections were welling inside her, threatening to escape.

But then she looked into his eyes. The eyes that had always been there when she needed him. The eyes that had cried with her. The eyes that had shared in her joy. In his eyes she saw the love he had for her. Well, love with a little bit of fear. And for a moment, her heart was completely calm. "Hush now," she consoled the voice, "It is perfect."

To be continued...

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