Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime. ~Mark Twain


A Quick Soapbox Moment

I really don't like politicking. I've been raised in a generation of war and corrupt politicians that don't ever follow through with anything and are rarely discernibly different from the corrupt politicians they replaced. So my attitude towards politics for the last 10 years or so has been largely one of disappointment and disenfranchisement. And I'm hardly alone in this.

More people in my generation (and this is a fact) get their political news/commentary from Comedy Central (in The Daily Show and the Colbert Report) than from any other source which, despite what many would have you believe, is really more of an indictment on our "impartial" "journalists" (yes I meant to put quotes around both of those separately) than it is a commentary on our nation's youth and their interest in politics. As this article clearly demonstrates, we do care. We just don't believe anymore.

'Why not' you ask? Where do I start? Where is the country right now? It's important to remind people because they seem to forget when the country's problems don't directly impact them. Unemployment is still above 8% and nearly double what it was just 5 years ago (it's estimated to be above 13% for 22-30 year olds, though specific numbers are hard to come by). We are currently over $15 TRILLION in debt (a number that goes up by the second). A debt that we nearly defaulted on less than a year ago because we had to change the law... to allow ourselves to go more in debt! We have been at war for over 10 years and until recently, were fighting that war in two separate sovereign nations simultaneously (neither of which did we ever officially declare war on, since that's something we haven't done in over 70 years, despite prescription from the Constitution that it's not allowed). And now they're laying the ground work to get us back in the Persian Gulf again. On a related note, if you want to look smart with your friends, start placing your bets for the Iran invasion now. If things continue as they are, they'll be asking you for stock advice in less than two years.

This December, the Senate passed the NDAA Bill, that Obama then signed, by a vote of 93-7. Now, the National Defense Authorization Act is a "must pass" bill every year. However, contained in this Act is language that allows the Government to detain "suspected terrorists", American or Non-American, for an indefinite amount of time, without trial. Ignoring for a second that taking someone's rights away based on labeling them a terrorist (which in itself violates the "innocent until proven guilty" statutes of our laws) is completely horrifying, this Act effectively takes away, in nearly verbatim fashion, our 6th Amendment rights. Under this law, any American citizen can be arrested, by the military no less, as a "terror suspect" and held indefinitely. This joins a growing list of very frightening laws (hey, remember the 4th Amendment? yea, neither do I...) that have been passed in the last ten years, most of which came in the name of security. All of which asked us to sacrifice our liberty to achieve it. And don't even get me started on the whole SOPA/PIPA near fiasco.

Enough is enough. More of the same is no longer an acceptable option for me, and many other Americans. I'm sick of how the rest of the world views America and, by association, me. I'm sick of being lied to by my politicians while they laugh all the way to the bank with the lobbyists and special interests. I'm especially sick of being told that Muslims "hate our freedom" (why do people still believe that?), instead of the truth; that they hate the fact that we have attacked their countries and killed hundreds of thousands unnecessarily. I was all for invading Afghanistan 10 years ago (even though no one has successfully invaded Afghanistan in over a thousand years), but Osama is dead, Al-Quaeda hasn't been there for years and they were NEVER in Iraq in the first place; what are we still doing at war?! I'm sick of giving up liberties and freedoms so I can feel safer (and honestly, do you feel more or less safe when going through an TSA checkpoint at the airport? cause it's less for me). And yes, I mean "feel" safer, because there's no way you're going to convince me that someone couldn't hijack a plane exactly the way they did on 9/11 with a screwdriver, a scissors or any number of blunt objects that are 100% ok in a carry-on (of course it wouldn't work, and probably wouldn't be attempted, because the passengers would fight back this time, but that's also kind of the point). And I'm sick of paying taxes to a government that can't control it's spending any better than a 13 year old girl at the mall with their dad's credit card and no chaperone.

I was raised a proud American, taught the Constitution and the Bill of Rights (which I firmly believe are two of the greatest man made documents in human history) and told thousands of times "America is the greatest country on Earth". Well guess what? The greatest country on Earth doesn't deny it's citizens their rights. The greatest country on Earth doesn't torture and humiliate their prisoners. The greatest country on Earth doesn't constantly devalue it's own currency with inflation. The greatest country on Earth doesn't nearly shut down because they can't pay their debts. The greatest country on Earth doesn't bribe or bully their allies into doing what they want. The greatest country on Earth doesn't lead with threats, but with diplomacy. The greatest country on Earth wins the just wars they participate in. The greatest country on Earth doesn't sacrifice it's young men and women in combat at their President's leisure. The greatest country on Earth doesn't have over 25 million people on unemployment. The greatest country on Earth doesn't spend more money than they have. The greatest country on Earth doesn't have it's representatives in the pockets of the financial elite. Maybe we need to stop just calling ourselves the "greatest country on Earth" and start actually being the greatest country on Earth!

Ron Paul knows all of this and has been preaching it for years.

I believe strongly in his platform but most mainstream media/establishment people don't take him seriously. I want to spread some awareness about him. So if you're like me, or even if you're just curious and seek to be well informed, I'd encourage you to watch these. Don't listen to the media or anyone else. Listen to his own words from his own mouth, and hear the fearless honesty. Look at the facts about his history as a politician and his consistency, both in his personal life and his voting record. Decide for yourself.

As for me, I'll be voting for him in November. Even if that means writing him in on the ballot. Many have told me "a vote for anyone but the Republican candidate is a vote for Obama", which basically defeats the whole point of democracy, but whatever. But I can't, in good conscience, support any of the other "status quo" candidates on either side because the status quo is not quo. The world's a mess and I just need to... sorry, slipped into a Dr. Horrible quote there. I'm happy to discuss my views with anyone if they have questions about it. For now, I leave you with some fantastic videos about Paul and his policies.

Anyone who has heard horror stories about "What Ron Paul wants to do" needs to watch this:

And this:

What else does he have to say?

There. Soapbox vacated. Go about your business.

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