Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime. ~Mark Twain


Wow! That Got Away From Me There...

I apologize to all my loyal readers, all three of you that still check this thing occasionally. I did not intend to abandon you with no contact for nearly three months. I did in fact nearly post several times over the last few months, but I failed to get off the ground each time. I guess my creative juices aren't being stirred enough lately.

Stirring time I guess.

A lot of things have remained the same. I'm still broke. I'm still jobless. I'm still struggling to motivate myself to keep looking for work in what feels like a worthless exercise these days. As far as I can tell, the only way to get work anywhere out here is to know someone and have an in. This goes from In N Out to the production offices at Warner Bros. Knowing someone is hardly a guarantee of employment either of course, but at least you have a fair shot. Unfortunately for me, most of the people I know are unemployed as well or working menial jobs. Oh, and they can't get me in there either apparently. I failed to make the cut after interviewing for a valet job last week. My buddy who works there is the only way I even got the interview and it turns out they were interviewing something like 10 people for 1 spot. And with no "hospitality experience" on my resume, I actually suspect they never really seriously considered me for the position. So yea.

In more positive news, and in the realm of things that actually have changed, I am officially writing for a webseries called Super Apartment Bros. My cousin Eric created it and initially was using me to give feedback and beef up his scripts. I've since been asked to write and have now written the last six scripts (I'm a faster writer than he is, so that helps) which means I will have written a majority of the first season when it's all said and done (not to brag or anything, it's a fairly collaborative effort). We are now down to the last 2 scripts of the first season and then we'll be able to close the proverbial book on the writing. Production is under way finally and, though we're a bit behind our initial/overly ambitious schedule, we hope to be finally airing episodes on by the end of June at the latest (so keep an eye out for that). You can read more about the project here. Or you can like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter here and here!

I think that's a good enough start for now. You gotta ease back into these things. I will try to get back into using this more as a blog/journal and less as a news service for my boring life. I enjoy that stuff more and I imagine my imaginary readership does too. That should increase the amount of content I'm generating at the very least and that's undoubtedly a positive. Let's be honest, it couldn't be much slower at this point so shouldn't be hard to improve.

Until next time.

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