Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime. ~Mark Twain


Been slacking off

Apologies for the more than a week that I've not written my blog. I think I'm more or less past the "30 days" that I had originally set out for, but I still would like to be writing every other day or so if I can. And if there's one thing I have in abundance right now, it's time to write.

There isn't much to say in the way of news. Super Apartment Bros. didn't get into the Machinima Festival, but odds are you either knew that already or you figured it out when I didn't post about it. Oh, and the "Locked In" thing fell through because the production dates got pushed back and I'll be in Minnesota for Christmas by then. So that sucks. Out $90 and I don't get to do what sounded like a legitimately awesome time. In other news, I'm planning an epic hike up a big mountain north of Glendale for January 1st. It's kind of intimidating but it will help keep me working out while I'm at home. At least a few times. I've been hiking as much as I can the last couple weeks to help prepare for it. Treadmills and stationary bikes are fine, but they aren't the same as an actual hike as far as actual strain on the muscles (and as far as aesthetic for that matter).

But back to Super Apartment Bros. It has been challenging lately. You work and work and work and hope things will pay off, but nothing happens and nothing happens some more. Sure we're up to over 50,000 views and we should be surpassing 1,000 subscribers within the next day or two. But we've worked our butt off to get those numbers. And they're still just a fraction of what we feel this series deserves. 50,000 views doesn't mean what it used to on youtube (Eric's "Wheatley vs Guilty Spark" video had more than double that in a single week, where it's taken us 5 months and 20+ videos)

I don't mean to sound ungrateful because we've more than tripled our subscriber base in the last 50 days. I am very appreciative of every subscriber we get. It's been such a struggle, just shouting out into the void of the internet, so even the few drips from this faucet are very satisfying. It's just frustrating to work so hard, and hope that your hard work will finally be rewarded, only to have nothing happen and have to face the reality of returning to the long fruitless grind with no end in sight.

Anyways, we're hoping to have the final two episodes (our two part finale) done within the next month or so. They are going to be epic, on a scope that we haven't come close to attempting before now, so I hope they live up to my expectations. We've got plans to spam some big video game blogs and really make a big stink about the finale so stay tuned for that and how you can help out on that front. We are hopeful that we will have more success on that front now that our channel has many more views and subscribers than the last time we tried to contact blogs. With a coordinated blitzkrieg, we think we can break through the fluff and maybe get some posts.

But again, that's not until the episodes are finished which may not be until January at the rate we're moving (we also need to raise some more money to cover the cost of the finale, so if you want to help with that, shoot me an email).

Anyways, not my best blog post. Sorry about that. Just kind of scattered today I guess.

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