Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime. ~Mark Twain



Some days you're just happy and grateful to be alive. Seriously, you should be every day. But I sincerely doubt that there has ever been anyone in history that didn't take at least one day for granted. Today was not one of those days.

I am just so grateful to be alive and have a life filled with so many blessings. There are so many things I focus on and think of all I don't have, when things like having a roof over my head, a full belly, companionship, love, health and freedom are constants in my life. Thank you God for all the blessings in my life and help me to remember when I'm not in a grateful mood. We are fickle beings.

Today was an excellent day. I went hiking today for several hours with my friend Ali. It was a great time as I did Runyon Canyon and hiked up behind the Hollywood sign (separate hikes). My legs are not entirely excited about the day, but they'll get over it in short order. My working out has started to pay dividends for me as I am quite certain I couldn't have handled those hikes nearly as well (if at all) just two months ago. I was tired when I was done, but I'm pretty sure I could have easily hiked for another couple hours too. Long live healthier Luke!

After hiking we went to a restaurant called "The Griddle", a place I'd heard a lot about in the last few months but never had occasion (or money) to go there. But my mom sent me some happy money for Thanksgiving, so I figured, "No time like the present!". Let me just say that it definitely lived up to it's reputation. The French toast I had was insanely good. I don't know how, but it almost literally melted in my mouth. So good. So for all you friends and family reading this from the non-LA area, I have a new place to take visitors!

I also received a call today from a production called "Locked In", a new pilot for the History channel. Tim had submitted us for the casting call and they are interested in having us on. The show's basic premise is they lock teams of three in a hardware store over night (6pm-4am) and give them building challenges. We will have full access to all the tools and building materials we could want. It sounds like an awesome night to me and I'm really excited about doing it. Also, it pays $90 which isn't too shabby for building random stuff with my friends.

We are submitting more materials but it sounds like they really want us on the show. I'll keep you all up to date on that though.

Other than that, not a lot to say about today. Some days you're just happy. God bless!

p.s. Just a few minutes ago, Super Apartment Bros. reached it's 300th subscription in the last 7 days! It's a new record and blows away the old best by a substantial amount. Still got 11 hours to go to complete the week, so we will see how we end up with that.

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