Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime. ~Mark Twain


Challenge Accepted

Hey! It's been so long! How have you, blah, blah, etc. Let's cut to the chase. A friend of mine is doing this "30 Days of Self Love" (get your minds out of the gutter people) on her blog and posting on her blog every day in an attempt at self affirmation and, well, love I guess. In honor of her dedication, or perhaps to satisfy my competitive nature, I have determined to attempt to post for 30 straight days as well. It's not going to be self love and affirmation posts though. More just an outward motivation to force myself to write something every day for a month than anything.

Truth is, I probably need this though. I've been in a bit of an unproductive funk the last week or two (or fifty). It happens to everyone from time to time I think. Getting stuck in a rut is hardly a new concept. But for whatever reason I've always been too comfortable in ruts. My motivation takes a nap and I just chill there until a tow truck comes to get me. It's not writer's block (which I don't believe in anyways) and it's not a loss of direction. I can still write and I still know where I'm going. It's just laziness and self indulgence. It's immaturity at it's finest.

Perhaps the biggest problem is that I can make excuses all day. I'm a world class BS artist and I can run with the best of them (not literally of course, if I wanted to work that hard I wouldn't have to make stuff up). I think all writers are really, since we pull our entire career out of thin air. But sitting down here now, at this keyboard, I can cut through all of that and be honest with myself. Writing is, in many ways, a flow exercise for me. I'll often write things that don't come to my conscious mind when I'm not streaming my thoughts onto a page. For all my introspection I can be very un-self-aware.

The real question, of course, is why can I drag my butt to the gym 5-6 days a week but I can't manage to sit down at a computer and type for even 20 minutes? My laziness/procrastination has started to worry even myself lately. And that needs to stop. And I am hopeful that this exercise and external motivator will help me with that in a broader sense. So stay tuned and we will see if it works. The tow truck is taking too long and I'm gonna see if I can jump the car myself this time.

And for those of you that come here for Super Apartment Bros. updates, we are submitting a special episode for a film festival today (as in, within the next few hours). The episode represents a tremendous opportunity for exposure within the video game and machinima industries, as well as putting our product in front of (potentially) millions of eyeballs... *If we're accepted. So pray or think happy thoughts or whatever you do, because this could be huge!

Until tomorrow *insert catchphrase here*!

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