Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime. ~Mark Twain


Full Day

Yesterday was a full day that left no time for blogging. Sorry if you were waiting for a post.

My friend Kevin Brooks woke me up at 10 am yesterday asking me to go to Black Friday sales with him. Since Kevin doesn't have a car, it may have also been asking me to drive him to Black Friday sales. But whatever.

I hadn't planned on going to Black Friday sales this year because I think they are getting out of hand. But I agreed to go along because I like to help people. It was a dangerous proposition for someone in my financial situation, but the sales really are ridiculous. I ended up buying a couple movies that I'd really been wanting to buy for the last year or two ("Social Network" and "Crazy, Stupid, Love") for just $4 and I managed to find the first four seasons of "Breaking Bad" (one of my favorite shows, and possibly the greatest show ever made) for $10 a piece. That was just too good of a price to pass up. I also bought a few gifts as well. So productive times overall.

I then had to scramble back from shopping to change and get ready for an afternoon hike. It being the day after Thanksgiving, a few of us were eager to burn some calories. We hiked to the top of the Verdguo mountain range behind my apartment. We could see the entire valley, downtown Los Angeles and could even see the ocean if it weren't for the clouds. Took us about 2 hours but we made it up and back down in one piece. More or less...

After that wonderful hike, I had just enough time to shower and catch my breath before heading out for a post-Thanksgiving potluck with my church community group. It was a great time and marked the fourth consecutive day I had Thanksgiving related dinner plans. Again, that hike was really necessary for burning some excess calories ;)

That was basically my whole day, but there was another element as well. On Thanksgiving morning, someone posted about "Super Apartment Bros." on a website called In the first 48 hours following the posting, we welcomed 215 new subscribers to our channel (which by itself, would be a new high for a single week for us). It's the kind of thing we've been hoping for more of since the show premiered and we're very grateful for the boost. Our total subscriber base has now topped 860 (for the record, about 500 of those subscribed within the last month) and we're hoping to break 1,000 soon.

We still haven't heard anything from the Machinima Festival we submitted to so I don't know what to make of that. The festival starts next Friday so I would think we'd have heard by now, but I also would think we'd have heard a "no" by now as well. I'm still holding out for hope though (to be fair, Eric has been in an area with no cell reception and no real internet to speak of for the holiday weekend, so it's possible he just hasn't received the message). I, of course, will post as soon as I have any news on that front. No matter what happens, I'm very grateful for the headway we have made already this month.

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