Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime. ~Mark Twain


In under the buzzer

Almost forgot to post today. Not a lot to say tonight really.

My mind is mostly focused on one thing: the impending announcement of the IAWTV Award nominees tomorrow. My head races with the possibilities. Which is dizzying because there's really only two; we got nominated or we didn't. And that result isn't going to change in the next 24 hours, I'm just going to find out.

I imagine this might be similar to how it feels when one is waiting for a pregnancy test. Ok, so a significantly watered down version of that. But you know what I mean. The test takes a few minutes to give a result. But you're already pregnant or you're not. Your fate is decided, you're just waiting to be clued into it.

These awards could be big for us. Not as big as getting into the Machinima Film Festival that I mentioned before. But big nonetheless. It would instantly validate SAB on my resume as "an award nominated web series". That, in turn, instantly makes me more marketable. Not only that, the awards are a good chance to get exposure within the burgeoning web television industry and potentially meet some influential people.

So I sit on my hands (not literally, or this would be really hard to type) and wait. In a way it's nice not having a specific time when I should expect news, because that would put a lot of pressure on a specific moment right beforehand. But at the same time, now I'll just be hitting refresh on my browser all morning and afternoon until I get news.

I've been becoming increasingly worthless as this day has drawn closer. I was kind of joking about hitting refresh all day, but now I think that may actually be what happens. I have a hard time thinking of anything else right now. If you'll excuse me, I think I'll go look at pictures of puppies...

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